
Second Denver Jersey Revealed!

Years ago, when some local Denverites first asked us what the chances of a Denver Draft Tournament were, we told them 1 in a million.

Luckily, these were some positive folks and they responded with:

Sure, there were some bumps in the road in trying to make this tournament happen. In fact originally we scheduled a rink in Denver, IOWA. But just when you thought we couldn’t get any dumber….

And while technically we’re not in Aspen, some place warm, where the beer flows like wine, and where beautiful women instinctively flock like the salmon of Capistrano. But Denver is pretty damn close!

And if you don’t know the theme bye this point, well your just DUMB.

We present to you, the 2021 Denver theme: Draft and Drafter!

The second team up is the Harrys!

Denver is currently SOLD OUT, but you can still sign up for the waitlist here, and get a spot if somebody drops out. And if you want to join us in Penticton, Jasper, or Minneapolis, you had better sign up now before they do too!

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